Barbara Franco

author and creator of QUID+
“I created QUID+ to give all parents a unique journey with their child, to help them develop the infinite potential they already have by nurturing their curiosity and passion for the world”.

Barbara Franco graduated in Engineering and Management from the Polytechnic University of Turin and, after initially working at a US consulting firm, decided to focus on the cultural industries. 
For years she has been working in publishing with leading Italian and international companies. In 2013, she became a mother to Pietro and began to explore the most effective educational method for raising a happy child. Driven by this need, she began conducting research in the pedagogical field, discovering that different tools can be used according to the various situations that everyday life presents, instead of picking just one theory. She developed the QUID+ publishing line in 2015, in order to share her experience. 
QUID+ relies on the greatest experts in the sector in developing each product, to achieve its aim to give children the tools to live their future to the fullest.